Uplify Updates for October 2023



November 3, 2023

TL;DR: In October 2023, Uplify introduced new features and enhancements. Campaigns and formats were updated to comply with platform rules. Numerous changes were made to the Uplify Link operation, including adjustments for Google Ads impressions earnings and page placement optimization.

Uplify Link improvements

  • Earnings for Google Ads impressions have been added. 
  • Page placement and formats have been optimized for maximum revenue efficiency on desktop and mobile devices. 
  • The placement of certain blocks has been changed. 
  • The "About Me" block size has been increased from 300 to 1000 characters. 
  • Bug with certain banners not functioning correctly has been resolved. 
  • Bug with saving supporter names has been fixed. 
  • Bug with the daily supporter leaderboard has been addressed.


  • Campaigns have been updated to fully comply with all platform sponsorship guidelines: 
  • Campaigns integrated into broadcasts have been renamed to "Sponsorship."
  • Campaigns launched through Twitch extensions are now categorized as "Interactive."
  • Formats within Sponsorship campaigns have been modified: 
  • Creatives can occupy a visible area from 15% to 50% for Twitch and 15% to 80% for YouTube and Trovo. 
  • The "Banner" format has been removed due to new changes. 
  • Yandex formats for Twitch now occupy 15% of the visible screen area. 
  • Banners under player in the "Referrals" section have been updated. 
  • Captcha and Adblock notification functionality has been optimized.

Updates for Partners

Streamer Management and Monetization 

Partners can now manage campaigns on their streamers through a one platform and monetize campaigns placed by other partners on Uplify.

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