New features on Uplify in November



February 2, 2022

New features

Remote promo manager for OBS and phones

We've added a Remote promo manager, so you can now manage your sponsorship integrations and see available campaigns from your OBS or phone.

Mobile promo manager. Just scan the QR code and control the promo placement from your phone.

OBS. Promo manager can be added to OBS. Copy the link and paste it into View → Docks → Custom Browser Docks.

SLOBS. Promo manager can be added to SLOBS. Copy the link and paste it into Layout Editor → Website → Paste Link → Click Save Changes.

Don't do that, we are collecting all data and will soon release an update where your clicks count will be updated.

Number of promo

Now it is possible to edit the number of promo units from 3 to 9 as you wish. Great opportunity to run a long pause and offer the chat to do eye exercises 👀

New formula for daily limits

Previously, we only supported an even distribution of impressions throughout the campaign period. Now for most campaigns, there will be a logarithmic distribution of impressions, so that a large number of impressions will be available at the start of the campaign and avoid impressions drop on weekends and holidays.

Updated daily limit distribution logic

We've updated the daily limit distribution logic so that large creators and studios don't steal the impressions of small and medium creators. As a result, it will be easier for everyone to get a guaranteed daily limit.

Referral Program

Get $10 to your account for each friend you invite, and your friend will get $10 after completing a registration and showing sponsorship integrations.

To access the referral program, connect to Discord and contact the support team 🤟


  • 🔥 Interviewed Twitch founder Michael Seibel and got feedback on our product.
  • Record creators payouts in October $25 000
  • Esport studios RuHub, WePlay, SLTV, UCC joined us 👋
  • Record for shows 30 000 000 in October
  • Base daily limit increased x5
  • Our PR guy hasn't smoked in 6 days ❤️


  • Exclusivity in the sponsorship integrations block has been removed. Now campaigns from the same industry are not competing for a slot and it will now be easier to fill the daily limit.
  • Added support for Middle name, State in Billings data at the request of a partner bank.
  • Updated the creator's potential income calculator on the site.
  • Polished completed campaigns section and it works faster.

Bug fixes

  • Add support for different data formats in Billings data.  There were problems with data entry for different countries; now we support different formats.
  • Fixed a bug when in some cases daily limits were calculated incorrectly when editing campaigns by partners.
  • Fixed icon in "What's New" section. When switching interface language the icon flew off into space 🙂

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