Adrenaline Game Fuel Mango Storm



April 27, 2022


Adrenaline Rush has launched a new activity Adrenaline Game Fuel and supported it with new flavors. The slogan of the activity was the phrase "Check out this summer's novelty — Adrenaline Game Fuel Mango Storm #FueledtoPlayNicely

To take part in the event, get cool prizes from sponsors, and compete for a prize pool of 5 million rubles, you had to perform challenges from famous streamers, complete various tasks in your favorite games from the list and log on to the platform daily.

To support the Brand's activities, the Uplify team offered its technology platform and the widest network of live broadcast channels. 


We helped Adrenaline to complete the following tasks:

  • To reach a wide audience of gamers and fans of esports in various channels of live broadcasts of both streamers and esports studios.
  • To reduce the cost of going to the promotional offer website and increase the effectiveness of the sponsorship integrations due to the unique Uplify technology solution for adjusting the frequency and set of channels in the media campaign.
  • Provide transitions to the platform's website with a CTR of 0.25%

Our actions

To help the brand reach the required results, we used the Uplify technology solution for the placement and optimization of long-term sponsorship integrations(more than 1 month). 

The Uplify platform distributed impressions in a balanced way across a wide pool of different channels of streamers and esports studios.

Within the sponsorship integrations, official broadcasts of Studios were involved: WePlay, UCC, as well as broadcasts of streamers on gaming and entertainment content (art, photos, art, music).

Placement format

To achieve maximum efficiency, the 15 full-screen video format was chosen, which can be not skipped or blocked. This ensures that commercials will be watched to the end and provide high memorability of the message.

Formats of sponsorship integrations were placed in the heart of live broadcasts of streamers, whose audiences highly appreciate brands and support their favorite influencers. Therefore, the Brand managed to use the loyalty of a wide audience of streamers to improve its brand characteristics.


As a result, the client received:

The sponsorship integrations took place from 17.08 to 31.12. And in the period from 13.09 to 19.09, we managed to reach a peak CTR of 1.07%. During this period, we held a contest among streamers, which gave the best ratio of impressions and clicks. Each participant in the contest was checked by anti-fraud software.


«In terms of the number of interaction sessions, events per session, and engagement rate, Uplify has the highest results of all the platforms on which we were hosted!»

Julia Rascatova,

OMD, Digital Specialist

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