Colegio pH and Uplify: Shaping the Future with an Inspiring Educational Campaign




May 9, 2023

Colegio pH and Uplify: Shaping the Future with an Inspiring Educational Campaign

Education plays a vital role in everyone's life, but many young people struggle to determine their ideal profession and life path. Fortunately, Brazil's Colegio pH offers guidance to help students make these important decisions and take the first steps towards their future. At Uplify, we are proud to collaborate with clients like Colegio pH and promote education among the streaming audience.

The campaign's primary goal was to raise awareness and attract young people to Colegio pH. Leveraging Uplify's value propositions, including ad-block resistance, 100% viewability, 90% ad recall, and high audience engagement, the promotional campaign was warmly received. It generated an impressive CTR and numerous positive comments on Twitch and Trovo channels.

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